Thursday, September 3, 2020
The Investigative Paper On Huckelberry Finn Essay free essay sample
, Research Paper The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn This epic is extremely abstract and can been seen from various perspectives concerning whether this book ought to be acknowledged by the educational committee or non. Clearly taking a gander at the substance and to trying to discover whether this book takes into account the understudies # 8217 ; want is entirely incapable. To discover whether the novel # 8217 ; s content is satisfactory to the perusing of adolescent understudies is extremely much a dubious issue. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the initiation way and the substance play a most extreme capacity in discovering whether this book is adequate. The initiation way in this novel is extremely originative and enlightening. Its realistic depictions permit one to have the option to completely imagine the situation. The essayist utilizes the etymological correspondence that the slaves in, harking back to the nineteenth century had spoken, and through this he explicitly shows how uneducated and off-kilter they were at talking legitimate English. We will compose a custom article test on The Investigative Paper On Huckelberry Finn Essay or on the other hand any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page This kind of way verily depicts the nineteenth century origin and permits understudies to see the various combinations of initiation habits utilized all through clasp. This phonetic correspondence utilized by the inkinesss and depicted by Twain made the novel now and again extremely difficult to peruse. On numerous events it was important to peruse and rehash the content to comprehend what Jim ( the slave ) was expressing. This way of creation does non help in the English of the students who are perusing the books. The slang and the utilization of the condensed words will in twist influence the peruser subliminally. The starvation of jargon in this book is non helping the understudies # 8217 ; guidance. This nonappearance of jargon can outcome the students # 8217 ; capacities forming capacities in their ain work. Huckleberry Finn shows great and negative methods of anticipating its contemplations through its utilization of words. The substance in an account is carefully abstract. Be that as it may, the degree Celsius ontent’s quality in the example of adulthood of the understudies and the issues raised in the Hagiographas can outcome the students’ standpoint. In Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain depicts the issue of subjugation by implication through an account. He shows bigotry through Jim when the individuals considered him a Nigger and when they are ever referencing to him as a Negro. This book shows the varying racial occupations that happened in our history at the clasp Mark Twain composed this novel. This substance permits students to perceive all the racial inclination in the nineteenth century. Imprint Twain other than shows that in the nineteenth century non all the white guys were bigot and ferine towards their slaves and that some had a decent chest. Because of this communicated content this book can be extremely simple dropped by the educational committee for the averments of bigotry and racial fanaticism. Bigotry is an extremely touchy point and can do incredible hurt in nume rous students’ heads. Racial belittles is extremely basic in Huckleberry Finn. An outline of this is when Jim is disguising in the pontoon with Huck and the slave fences come up to their vessel asking in the event that they had seen a runaway â€Å"Nigger†. This can obviously do torment to a student’s intellectually. Huckleberry Finn’s substance can make numerous conflicts, yet it can other than help an understudy perceive the universe in the nineteenth century. The origin habits and the substance of this novel have made conflicts that have been bantered for longer than a century. Numerous individuals feel this new groups unreasonably numerous averments to prejudice. Despite what might be expected, many feel like this book shows the historical backdrop of this state, and how this new gangs another strategy from the nineteenth century that understudies ought to be routed to. Books can make realistic pictures, however whether those pictures are satisfactory or whether those pictures are repulsive leaves the educational committee absolutely where the individuals were longer than a century back.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
My Favorite Essay - The Freedom Writers Movie Essay
My Favorite Essay - The Freedom Writers Movie EssayIn this article I want to give you some insight into my favorite essay: The Freedom Writers Movie Essay. You may recognize it from the Writer's Digest Movie of the Year, or you may have seen it before and have never heard of it.If you have been studying film writing for a while, you know that there are typically five ways to approach your writing: First, I call this the 'Theater Speech' because it is very similar to what you might expect a movie director to deliver during the credits sequence. Second, I call this the 'Motion Picture Character Story' because it is a very powerful story about a very familiar character that you, as a writer, know well.Third, I call this the 'The Freedom Writers Movie Essay' because it is a true story about a real person who has the power to change the world through their example. And fourth, I call this the 'Freedom Writers Movie Essay' because it is my favorite essay of all time.The Freedom Writers Mov ie Essay is the first of four stories I developed over the last ten years that were written in response to the question, 'What Would Mark Twain Do?' In each story, the most powerful character or story was revealed and allowed me to act out what I imagined he would say in an interview, or in an interview with a writer friend. Then I performed these interviews in front of an audience and asked them to do the same.I thought the writing process was a very difficult story to tell because it required me to believe my own imagination, because it required me to learn something about the person that I was studying. It also demanded that I come up with stories that were so strong and powerful that no one could deny the authenticity of the account. In short, it was my favorite essay I've ever written.After I finished writing the original version of the movie essay, I wanted to publish it. But as I began to write a second version, I realized that I had created something very different from what I had originally envisioned.As I began to rewrite the movie essay in my own words, I found it was not quite as powerful as the original version. And so I gave it the title, 'The Freedom Writers Movie Essay' instead.Because this movie essay was composed for my own use, I found that it was very easy to rewrite. All you need to do is add just a few things here and there, but I like to maintain some degree of originality throughout. And you can try to do this yourself, but I think a true filmmaker would be wise to take another look at the essay after making a couple of changes.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Chemistry Behind How Febreze Works
The Chemistry Behind How Febreze Works Does Febreze expel scents or only veil them? Heres the science behind how Febreze functions, including data about its dynamic fixing, cyclodextrin, and how the item collaborates with smells. Febreze was designed by Procter Gamble and presented in 1996. The dynamic fixing in Febreze is beta-cyclodextrin, a starch. Beta-cyclodextrin is a 8-sugar ringed atom that is shaped through an enzymatic change of starch, as a rule from corn. How Febreze Works The cyclodextrin particle looks like a donut. At the point when you splash Febreze, the water in the item incompletely disintegrates the scent, permitting it to frame a complex inside the opening of the cyclodextrin donut shape. The smell particle is still there, yet it cannot tie to your scent receptors, so you cannot smell it. Contingent upon the kind of Febreze youre utilizing, the scent may essentially be deactivated or it may be supplanted with something decent smelling, for example, a fruity or flower aroma. As Febreze dries, increasingly more of the scent atoms tie to the cyclodextrin, bringing down the convergence of the particles noticeable all around and disposing of the smell. In the event that water is included indeed, the smell atoms are discharged, permitting them to be washed away and genuinely evacuated. A few sources state that Febreze likewise contains zinc chloride, which would assist with killing sulfur-containing scents (e.g., onions, spoiled eggs) and may dull nasal receptor affectability to smell, yet this compound isn't recorded in the fixings, in any event in the shower on items.
Monday, June 8, 2020
A Freshman Again
This past August I began my first year as a college student. Coming from Houston, the fourth-largest city in the country, to a town surrounded by trees with a population of 60,000 was quite an adjustment. At first it seemed a dream, but after a couple of weeks, I knew I was beginning a journey of new experiences and adventures in college. Leaving home, my parents and family, and separating from some of my closest friends, was one of the hardest things I ever did. It felt scary at first, but knowing that I was on my own and in charge of what I did and when I did it, was an exciting concept. Seeing new faces, being in new surroundings and meeting people was also an experience I was ready to take on. When I came to college I was looking for new challenges, including having a roommate. I have always had my own room and space. With college, all that has changed. Combining two people with different backgrounds into one room can be chaotic. Living with someone who is the older of two siblin gs, shares everything, is a loud talker and inconsiderate without even knowing it can be very stressful. As the youngest of two by 10 years, I have had my own everything, shared nothing and do not believe in borrowing without asking. After many arguments and setting of boundaries, I somehow overcame the dreaded roommate disorder. Becoming a freshman in college is very different from being a high-school freshman. College freshmen are set for a whole new awakening. I was overwhelmed with all the new things to observe and take into account. I had tons of work with deadlines, parties and friends who are always in my face, and no one to tell me what to do or when to do it. This is very unlike high school, where the teacher gives an assignment with a week-long deadline and step-by-step guidelines. College is very different from high school or home where rules are set and you coast through life. College is a new beginning, an opportunity to grow up and mature.Becoming a freshman again can stir up doubts, fears and even tears but I now know that what may seem scary at first will have a better outcome than not experiencing it at all. New faces, new surroundings and meeting people is an unknown journey that I look forward to as I go to class each day. I took my first real steps, now I am walking tall and fearless in this unknown adventure that awaits me.
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Competitiveness And Market Structure Of Indian Banking Industry - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1898 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Statistics Essay Did you like this example? Introduction After 1991 crisis, Indiaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s liberalisation journey was multi-faceted. One of the major areas of liberalization was the banking sector which was highly regulated and controlled by government. Most importantly for banking industry, as per the M. Narasimhan committee recommendations, the liberalization came in the right areas namely interest rate, reduction of reserve requirements, entry deregulation, credit policies and prudential supervision. Incase of interest rates, they could now be determined by the banks based on their cost of funds rather then government fixing them for banks. The administered regime for interest rate came to an end except for interest rate on savings account. The reduction of reserve requirement for banks made huge capital available for banks which could be deployed in the business. The entry of new players was de-regulated. The government empowered the Reserve Bank of India to issue licenses to the new players, if they met the set criteria jointly set by RBI and Finance Ministry. The credit rationing was completely done away with. Although there is still credit rationing for à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“priority sectorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?, the banks are free to deploy their capital on the sectors which they feel profitable. Excessive supervision regime came to an end. The Reserve Bank of India made several changes in prudential supervision and gave autonomy to banks in their day-to-day operation. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Competitiveness And Market Structure Of Indian Banking Industry" essay for you Create order The total asset size of Indian Banking industry is over US$ 270 billion. The total deposit amount is US$ 200 billion. Its branch network is one of the largest in the world with more than 66,000 branches and over 17,000 ATM spread across the country. The bank assets are expected to grow at 13.4% CAGR and it is predicted that India could become the 3rd largest banking hub in the world by 2040. Currently India has 80 Scheduled commercial banks out of which 28 are public sector banks, 24 private banks and 28 foreign banks (Annual Report, RBI). As Indian economy is growing at an average rate of over 7% since a decade, more and more foreign banks are thinking to foray into the Indian market. As per McKinseyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s report on Indian Banking (2010), total loans-to-percentage of GDP, could grow from its current level of around 30% to ~45% in years to come. Such huge opportunities also prompts several questions: Who is/ are the dominant players in the market? What is/are their share in the banking industry? What is the market structure of Indian banking industry; is it a monopoly or a perfect competition? Objectives and Motivation: The objective of this dissertation is to understand the Indian banking industry, its composition (nationalised banks, private bank and foreign banks) and knowing the players of the industry. Further the study will find out how much concentrated the Indian banking industry is and provide knowledge regarding top 3 as well as top 5 major banks. Such a concentration ratio would give a fair idea of how decision of the top players as an implication on the other industry players. The study will include the determination of the market structure of Indian banking industry. Ità ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s imperative to know whether the industry is a perfect competition, a monopoly or a monopolistic competition. This would lead to understanding of the cohesive behaviour of the market players. My motivation for choosing this topic came from the complexity of the Indian banking industry. The number of players, entry of new players, consolidation among the existing players, ever-changing economic scenario of India etc and its impact on the banking industry always fascinated me to do a study on the Indian Banking industry. I also feel that such study would be useful not only for the policymakers within the central bank and the government but also for the existing players, the potential entrants and for other stakeholders of the banking industry. Literature Review As per the neoclassical theory, the spectrum of market structure can be defined by the number of firms and size of those firms in the market [Goddard, Molyneux Wilson (2001)]. Various numerical measures of concentration have been used by empirical researchers in order to find the concentration of industry players. But at the same time, there is no single perfect measure for concentration [Goddard, Molyneux Wilson (2001)]. Nevertheless all these measure are subject to the idiosyncracies and limitation; they usually tend to correlate highly with each other [Curry and George (1983); Scherer and Ross (1990)]. Hall and Tideman (1967) have provided the desirable properties which are required for these measures of concentration to be acceptable. Concentration measures like k-bank concentration ratio, Herfindahl-Hirschman index (HHI) are extensively used to measure the banking sector performance as a function of market structure [Barth et al., 2004, Beck at el, 2006)]. k-bank concentration ratio For measuring the concentration of firms, the most frequently used ratio is à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“k-bankà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬? concentration ratio (Bikker 2004). The reason this ratio is so frequently used is because of its simplicity and limited data requirement. The index gives equal emphasis to the k leading banks, but neglects the many small banks in the market. It is a one dimensional measure ranging between zero and unity [Al-Muharrami S.,Matthews k., Khabari Y (2006)]. In a review of 73 US Structure-Conduct-Performance studies in banking from 1961 to 1991, in 37 studies the k-bank deposit concentration measure was used (Molyneux et al. 1996) Herfindahl Hirschman Index (HHI) HHI is another benchmark measure for measuring the bank concentration and gives more weight to larger banks. It was developed by A.O.Hirschman. It expands to all the banks in the system, thereby avoiding the arbitrary cut offs [Alegria, C and Schaeck K (2006)]. Bikker (2004) highlights the importance of HHI in the theoretical research. In practice, the HHI plays a pivotal role in the US for the approval of bank mergers where the post mergers market HHI cannot exceed 0.18 and that the change in the index should be less than 0.02 (Cetorelli, 1999). This index is also used to measure the bank concentration in Arab GCC banking system [Al-Muharrami S.,Matthews k., Khabari Y (2006)] and in measuring the competition and market structure in the Saudi Arabia [Al-Muharrami (2009)] Panzer and Rosse H statistics The measure of market structure helps in determining whether the market enjoys perfect competition, monopoly or monopolistic competition. This is also known measuring the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“monopoly power hypothesisà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. It means that in more concentrated markets the bigger players tend to be collusive and try to dominate the market. Also their actions have considerable impact on the other market players. There are several models for determining the market structure. The models are divided into two parts: 1) Structural Models and 2) Non Structural Models. This study will employ the non-structural model approach suggested by Rosse and Panzer (1977) and Panzer and Rosse (1982, 1987), popularly known as the H-statistics. It is widely used in determining the competitive structure of the banking industry in various countries. In the banking industry, there is extensive use of Rosse and Panzer method and has got a wide practical applicability. In his study on New York banks, Shaffer (1982) had observed that banks had monopolistic competition. Similar study for Canadian banks by Nathan and Neave (1989) found a perfect competition for 1982 but monopolistic competition for 1983-84. Japan revealed perfect competition [Molyneux et al (1996)]. Molyneux et al. (1994) also tested the P-R statistics for French, German, Italian, Spanish and British banks for the period of 1986-1989 in order to determine the competitive conditions of major European countries. Methodology The study involves the use of k-bank concentration ratio and HHI ratio for gauging the competition and Panzer and Rosse for determining the monopoly power of the players of Indian Banking industry. These ratios have been extensively used in the different studies mentioned above. K-bank concentration ratio measures the market share of the top k-firms in the industry. The equation is n CRn = à ¢Ã‹â€ ‘Si i=1 Where Si is the market share of the i-th firm when firms are ranked in descending order of the market share. Market share is measured in terms of sales, assets or number of employees. Commonly used values of n include 3, 4, 5 or 8. The researchers have also found that there is high correlation between concentration ratios defined using alternative values of n [Bailey and Boyle (1971)]. The advantage of k-bank concentration ratio is that it is easily measurable; one needs to know only the total size of the industry and the individual sizes of firms. But it lacks in taking the size distribution of remaining firms. In this study, the market share would be measured on the basis of the loan size (assets) and the deposit size (liability) of the banks. The value of n would be 3 and 5 i.e. CR3 and CR5. HHI uses information about all points in the firm size distribution. It is defined as the sum of the squares of the markets share of all firms: N HHI = à ¢Ã‹â€ ‘Si2 i=1 Where Si is the market shares of the firm i and N is the total number of firms in the industry. In the calculation of HHI, the larger firms get a heavier weightage than their smaller counterparts which reflects their relative importance in the market. This study uses P-R h-statistics, a non-structural model, measuring competition and emphasizes the analysis of the competitive conduct of banks without explicit information about the structure of the market. The P-R determines the competitive behaviour of banks on the basis of the comparative static properties of reduced-form revenue equation based on cross-section data [Panzer and Rosse (1987)]. The equation is Ln(TREV) = ÃŽÂ ±0 + ÃŽÂ ±1 ln PL + ÃŽÂ ±2 ln PK + ÃŽÂ ±3 ln PF + ÃŽÂ ±4 ln RISKASS + ÃŽÂ ±5 ln ASSET + ÃŽÂ ±6 ln BR The variables are defined as follows: TREV : the ratio of total revenue to total assets PL : ratio of personnel expense to employees PK : ratio of capital expense to fixed assets PF : ratio of annual interest expense to total loanable funds RISKASS : ratio of provisions to total assets ASSET : bank total assets BR : ratio of number of branches to total number of branches in the country. The H-statistic value is the sum of factor price elasticity: PL, PK and PF. The value H à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¤ 0 implies monopoly equilibrium. A value of 0 H 1 implies that banks operate under conditions of monopolistic competition with free entry equilibrium. A value of H = 1 is the perfect competition case with free entry equilibrium and full efficient capacity utilisation [Al-Muharrami S.,Matthews k., Khabari Y (2006)]. Data The data for all the calculations of k-bank concentration ratio, HHI and P-R H-statistics will be obtained from Orbis database. Further, the data would also be taken from the Reserve Bank of India(RBI)à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s profile of banks 2004-2005 2008-2009. Incase any data is not available from the two main sources (Orbis and RBI), the data would be extracted from financial statements of banks, from their websites and from reports published on the Indian Stock exchanges namely Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange (NSE). The sample period covers 2002-2008. Conclusion The conclusion would include the interpretation of the results obtained by usage of E-view and MS- Excel software. In summation, the study would help in knowing the concentration ratio through k-bank ratio as well as HHI and help in understanding the monopoly power of large banks in India. Such a study would be helpful to determine the cohesive behaviour of the players of industry and how their decision would affect the entire industry as well as the Indian economy. With a lots consolidation happening in the industry, such a study would help in understanding the shifts in the concentration and market powers if any. Last but not the least; an attempt would be made to give some recommendations based on the results.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The American Counseling Association ( Aca ) Essay
The American Counseling Association (ACA) developed the code of ethics with six principles in mind that they thought were the foundation for ethical behavior and decision making: autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, fidelity and veracity (American Counseling Association, 2014). This lead to the six different purposes for the code of ethics. First, it sets ethical obligations and ethical guidance for professional counselors (American Counseling Association, 2014). Second, it recognizes ethical dilemmas that are relevant (American Counseling Association, 2014). Third, it clarifies what is ethically expected and accepted of its members (American Counseling Association, 2014). Fourth, it is an ethical guide for members deciding the best course of action and expectations for conduct, when it comes to those using their counseling services (American Counseling Association, 2014). Fifth, it supports the mission of the American Counseling Association (American Counseling Associati on, 2014). Finally, it has standards that serve as a baseline for questions and complaints for ACA members (American Counseling Association, 2014). To fulfill the purposes of the code of ethics, the ACA categorizes the ethics into nine different areas (American Counseling Association, 2014). Section A addresses the counseling relationship. This section addresses how the client and counselor should have a healthy relationship, boundaries and respect (American Counseling Association, 2014).Show MoreRelatedThe American Counseling Association ( ACA ) Website1459 Words  | 6 PagesTThe American Counseling Association (ACA) website is a very resourceful website especially for new counselors. It consists of various items from informing an individual of the benefits of being a member of ACA to allowing members to access the ACA’s code of ethics for reference at any point (cite). From the abundance of information given on the website, five sections caught my attention. All five se emed very helpful for a new counselor or for those in the process of becoming a new counselor. TheRead MoreThe Mission Of The American Counseling Association ( Aca )2192 Words  | 9 PagesThe mission of the American Counseling Association (ACA) According to the website, the ACA’s mission is to â€Å"enhance the quality of life in society by promoting the development of professional counselors, advancing the counseling profession, and using the profession and practice of counseling to promote respect for human dignity and diversity†. I interpret this as a wide array of assurances, through continuing education and enlightenment of counselors, and then the quality of servicesRead MoreTypes Of Ethics Associations : The American Counseling Association ( Aca )2484 Words  | 10 PagesTypes of Ethics Associations The American Counseling Association (ACA) is an organization that has a set of ethical guidelines that they make available to counselors in hopes of helping to eliminate or correct any ethical dilemmas. The ACA come out with the ACA Code of Ethics (2005). These guidelines go into detail explaining different features of counseling from confidentiality to training and research to resolving ethical issues that come up. In section B.4 of the ACA Code of Ethics (2005) itRead MoreAmerican Counseling Association For Counseling Professionals Essay810 Words  | 4 PagesAmerican Counseling Association The American Counseling Association (ACA) is the most sizeable worldwide association for counseling professionals (American Counseling Association., n.d.). The American Counseling Association (ACA) is a nonprofit organization (American Counseling Association., n.d.). The American Counseling Association (ACA) is based out of Alexandria, VA (American Counseling Association., n.d.). It was founded in 1952, by the convergence of four different associations in LosRead MoreCode of Ethics Essay1288 Words  | 6 Pagesspecific associations: the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC). The purpose of this paper is to discuss both the similarities as well as differences of these two organizations and their standards of ethics. While discussing the AACC and ACA organizations standards, this paper will also look at three specific areas which we chosen to compare and contrast: confidentiality, fees, and competence. ACA and AACCRead MoreCompare and Contrast the Aacc and Aca Code of Ethics Essay1068 Words  | 5 PagesCompare and Contract the AACC and ACA Code of Ethics Shelia Burton Liberty University Abstract In reading both codes you can see how different but yet alike they are, although one is from the Christian aspect and the other from a world view. According to Ralph Bass, Christian counseling has been a part of the work of ministry since the origin of the church. When people were sick they looked to the church for help, they were thought of as touched by the Gods and were given potions for theirRead MoreThe American Of American Counseling Association967 Words  | 4 Pagesto research the American Counseling Association. The American Counseling Association is unique in its creation because four separate entities came together with aspirations of providing a stronger platform for its members. These four groups came together in 1952 and were first called The American Personnel and Guidance Association. It went through another name change in 1983 and once again in 1992 in which it was finally called what it is today, the American Counseling Association. They believe thatRead MoreExploring Ethical Codes and Possible Ethical Issues in Responding Therapy Clients through E-Mail921 Words  | 4 Pagesthe ACA Code of Ethics booklet, the H.4.a. Benefits and Limitations section (p. 18) reads, â€Å"Counselors inform clients of the benefits and limitations of using technology applications in the provision of counseling services. Such technologies include, but are not limited to, computer hardware and/ or software, telephones and applications, social media and Internet-based applications and other audio and/or video communication, or data storage devices or media†(American Counseling Association , 2014)Read MoreComparing Codes of Ethics Essays895 Words  | 4 PagesComparing Codes of Ethics The American Counseling Association and the American Mental Health Counselors Association Codes of Ethics both provide guidance and direction in making ethical decisions for their members (ACA, 2005) (AMHCA, 2010). Both the ACA and the AMHCA Codes of Ethics cover a wide range of moral and ethical situations that could present themselves to mental health professionals. Both of these codes of ethics have significant impacts on the counseling profession. The tools providedRead MoreEffective Approaches to Counseling Essay example959 Words  | 4 Pagesmaking that can tolerate public inquiry and submission. There are literally hundreds of counseling approaches ranging from basic active listening and a solution focus to the seemingly out of the ordinary. As a generally rule, it is wise to search for a well-skilled and licensed counselor whose method is largely decided not by what they do, but by what they need. It is significant for the psychotherapist association to be observed w ith awareness for problems among psychotherapist and client, which can
Andre Rieu by Andre Rieu free essay sample
I know that most of you probably never heard of Andre Rieu well because Andre is Dutch and mainly plays waltzes and classical music. Andre is known as the King of Waltz because he plays a lot of waltzes and even compose one! Andre gets inspiration from Johann Strauss who he named his orchestra after in the 1970s that he created by himself. He doesnt only play waltzes and classical music he also plays popular songs from movies, and Christmas songs. Andre tours around the world. He tours a lot just about every six months and plays concerts in Canada, America, Europe, Japan, Australia, and South Africa. Just recently one of his concerts was cancelled he was supposed to play in Toronto, Canada but due to wild protests there his show was cancelled since nobody can come. He makes his concerts fun unlike other orchestras. He doesnt only conducts the orchestra sometimes he plays along with them and sometimes he is in the audience. We will write a custom essay sample on Andre Rieu by Andre Rieu or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Andre designs what is in his tour by what he did in his last special. Right now he is performing two Michael Jackson songs Ben, and Earth Song. So the next time you want to listen to new music I recommend that you give Andre Rieu a chance. Trust me when I first saw him on television I did not like him but now I do.
Monday, April 20, 2020
Jumanji Book & Movie Essays - Jumanji, Television, Film, Fiction
Jumanji Book & Movie Jumanji, a classic story which started out as a children's book has also been converted into the movie media form. Jumanji, a children's picture book which was written and illustrated by Chris Van Ellsberg in 1981, Jumanji was the Caldecott Medal Winner of 1982, with some of the most detailed pictures I personally have ever seen done by a free hand illustrator. The book Jumanji is about two children, Peter and Judy, whose parents go out to the opera one night. Peter and Judy decide that they are bored and go for a walk outside in the park across the street. Peter finds a board game lying by a tree named Jumanji. The children bring Jumanji home to play to play with it. After setting Jumanji up on the card table in the living room, Judy reads the directions, ?Jumanji, a young people's jungle adventure especially designed for the bored and restless. A.) Player selects piece and places it in the deepest jungle. B.) Player rolls dice and moves piece along path through the dangers of the jungle. C.) First player to reach Jumanji and yell the city's name aloud is the winner. D.) VERY IMPORTANT: ONCE THE GAME IS STARTED IT WILL NOT BE OVER UNTIL ONE PLAYER REACHES THE GOLDEN CITY.' When Judy finishes reading the directions aloud, the children start playing Jumanji. Peter wanted to roll the dice first, he rolled a seven. Suddenly Judy saw a lion sitting on the piano and the lion started to walk toward the children. Peter jumped up from the chair, ran up stairs into a bedroom, crawled under a bed, the lion got his head caught under the bed, and Peter locked the lion in there. Peter wanted to give up at this point, but Judy said that they must finish the game so it would go away. As the game went on, more and more wild animals were appearing in the house along with torrential rains and even a lost tour guide sitting on a dollhouse looking at his map. The animals were tearing apart the house and it was a big, old mess!!! Peter looked behind Judy and saw a snake creeping from the mantle going straight at her. It was now her turn to roll, Judy had to roll quickly to end the game and save her life. Judy rolls what she needs and screams, Jumanji!!!!. All of a sudden, the room fills up with and when it clears, the house is as clean as it was before their parents left. Soon Peter and Judy's parents came home and did not suspect a thing. The two children washed up for bed and then worked on finishing up a puzzle. Jumanji, the movie was on the big screen around December of 1995. This movie is a little different from Chris Van Ellsberg's Jumanji, but the basic story is still the same just with a little more background information of the game. Jumanji starts with two children burying a game deep into the earth, years later to be discovered by Alan Parrish, the young boy of an (seems to be) uncaring shoe factory owner. No sooner does Alan get home and get the game set up, his friend Sarah comes over to see Alan. The two of them sit down to play the game. No sooner does Alan roll, it's a 13 and he is sucked into the game. Sarah cannot explain what she has seen to anyone who believes her. The next scene is 26 years later and two children, Peter and Judy move into a huge old house. After settling in, the two children go up into the attic to explore, and this is where they find a board game named Jumanji. Peter sets the game up and Judy reads the directions aloud. The directions were almost word for word from the book. When Peter tosses the dice, the game pieces move along the board by themselves. Judy and Peter hear a noise from downstairs in one of the rooms. They go to look and see a lion walking around downstairs. Both scared, retreat back up into the attic. Judy says that they must finish
Sunday, March 15, 2020
Free Essays on Legalize Marijuana
Legalize Marijuana If your every waking moment was consumed by pain and nausea, wouldn’t you ask for medication? What if the only medication legally available would leave you unconscious or do nothing at all? If you were the one suffering, would you resort to the only treatment that allowed you to live normally even though it was illegal? Thousands of people across the country are forced to break the law to ease their pain. They have chosen marijuana over anything legally available because it has various medicinal properties that cannot be found anywhere else. Due to these many unique medicinal uses, marijuana should be reclassified as a valid, legal form of treatment. Marijuana has many unique uses as a form of treatment. It has been used effectively to combat the nausea caused by chemotherapy, to reduce the internal pressure of the eyes of glaucoma patients, and to prevent the â€Å"wasting syndrome†in AIDS and cancer patients. As an alternative to using actual marijuana, modern science has developed a synthetic form of THC, the active chemical in marijuana. However, this synthetic drug, called Marinol, is useless for most everyday treatment because it has the unpleasant side effect of being a powerful sedative. A member of Milwaukee’s AIDS community, said that a friend of his was taking Marinol to increase his appetite: â€Å"He spends the whole day laughing and watching movies...He can’t even drive a car because he’s so out of it.†In addition to that, Marinol only comes in pill form, which makes it useless for patients taking it for nausea. Marijuana has neither of those drawbacks. Because it is usuall y smoked, even the most nauseous patient can use it as well as easily regulate their intake. No prescription drug offers the benefits and potential of marijuana. Many people have testified to marijuana’s validity as a unique form of treatment. One of these, Robert Randall, one of... Free Essays on Legalize Marijuana Free Essays on Legalize Marijuana Legalize Marijuana If your every waking moment was consumed by pain and nausea, wouldn’t you ask for medication? What if the only medication legally available would leave you unconscious or do nothing at all? If you were the one suffering, would you resort to the only treatment that allowed you to live normally even though it was illegal? Thousands of people across the country are forced to break the law to ease their pain. They have chosen marijuana over anything legally available because it has various medicinal properties that cannot be found anywhere else. Due to these many unique medicinal uses, marijuana should be reclassified as a valid, legal form of treatment. Marijuana has many unique uses as a form of treatment. It has been used effectively to combat the nausea caused by chemotherapy, to reduce the internal pressure of the eyes of glaucoma patients, and to prevent the â€Å"wasting syndrome†in AIDS and cancer patients. As an alternative to using actual marijuana, modern science has developed a synthetic form of THC, the active chemical in marijuana. However, this synthetic drug, called Marinol, is useless for most everyday treatment because it has the unpleasant side effect of being a powerful sedative. A member of Milwaukee’s AIDS community, said that a friend of his was taking Marinol to increase his appetite: â€Å"He spends the whole day laughing and watching movies...He can’t even drive a car because he’s so out of it.†In addition to that, Marinol only comes in pill form, which makes it useless for patients taking it for nausea. Marijuana has neither of those drawbacks. Because it is usuall y smoked, even the most nauseous patient can use it as well as easily regulate their intake. No prescription drug offers the benefits and potential of marijuana. Many people have testified to marijuana’s validity as a unique form of treatment. One of these, Robert Randall, one of...
Friday, February 28, 2020
Leadership and Decision making styles Slp Assignment
Leadership and Decision making styles Slp - Assignment Example The management of our organization had to restructure most of the systems and position the organization in the best way to manage the competition. If this was not done, the organization was at the verge of collapse. A major strategic change was called for and all the departmental heads were consulted for their ideas. The main decision to change the strategies of operation of the organization was made by the Chief Executive Officer of the organization. However, he had a consultative meeting with all the stakeholders as well as the technical experts including the departmental heads to find the best solutions to the problems affecting the organization as far as competition is regarded. The question was not well-structured in such a way that one could just find a direct solutions to it. Each department was required to contribute their suggestions on how they feel the issue could be handle and the departmental level. With all the information collected, the implementation was to involve the whole team working together with commitments. Ultimately, a solution was found that required the whole team to participate in its implementation. It is clear that our CEO applied collaborative decision making style even though he could make the ultimate decision on his own. While following the Vroom-Yetton seven questions and applying them to the diagram, I come to find out that the decision making style applied by our CEO is categorized as G2 decision making style (Rigolosi, 2005). Under this style, the supervisor and the team need to work together to arrive at a decision. Exactly, this is what happened in our organization, the CEO worked together with the departmental heads as well as some technical expertise to find solutions to the organizational problems. Under this case, the role of the CEO was majorly facilitative as he could only make
Wednesday, February 12, 2020
LPN to RN Role Transitions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
LPN to RN Role Transitions - Essay Example Harrington& Terry(2009) define role transition as â€Å"the passage or shifts from one role to another and involves changing the way one thinks and acts†(p. 54). Role transition from LPN to RN role is a unique experience as it changes and broaden the LPN’s responsibilities, thinking, practice and experience, and the overall view of the nursing world. The decision to become a registered nurse uprooted to the two of the most important goals I have at the moment: one of them is to continue my nursing education and explore a vast array of knowledge, skills, and experiences apart from being an LPN, and the other one is to pursue this long-time dream of being a registered nurse that helps people as well as the increase in income. The road to become a registered is not easy and requires understanding of the differences between the LPN and RN roles, the management of conflicts, application of classroom discussion to role transition and, knowing and understanding the exisiting facts and standards of the state board of nursing. The LPN transitioning to become an RN faces variations in the roles they perform. Often times, distinguishing the differences between the roles they perform becomes difficult as they are bombarded with several role variations. However, there are two specific role changes differences between an LPN and an RN. One of the first specific role changes is the difference in the nature of client care. LPNs focus on the â€Å"how to†of client care.
Friday, January 31, 2020
Inspector Goole Essay Example for Free
Inspector Goole Essay I believe such cliff-hangers put the characters in a defensive and confused mood and they left wanting to know what is to happen next. Who thought the inspector knew a lot therefore they have to co-operate by telling the truth and this makes the jig-saw puzzle of the mysteries easily soluble. That is the scenes with each Act are easily identifiable as the initial atmosphere is established, as the focus moves from one character to the next and as the family seeks to explain the evenings events. At the end of the play, the audience are shocked and surprised that inspector Goole, who has acted professionally, so it seems, has turned out to be a fraud and a fake. Afterwards, the audience, I presume, becomes more confused and bewildered. The plan was a type of whos done it (by Agatha Christie) which progressively builds up and heightens the supernatural nature of the mystery surrounding the inspector. However, the inspector has successfully made Sheila and Eric confessed their guilt and irresponsible behaviour towards Eva Smith yet the inspector leaves the audience guessing who actually is responsible for the death of Eva Smith, and the audience having learnt that the inspector is a fake, makes them more surprised at his professional manner and style of his interrogation and enquiries. Initially, the role of the fake Inspector Goole, who visits the Birling family residence and to interrogate them about the supposed suicidal death of Eva Smith, tries to make the characters aware of the broader view of responsibility because before the entry of Inspector Goole in Act one, Mr Birling tells the two young lads Gerald and Eric that, A man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own After the inspector has given his speech of Love, the three; Mr and Mrs Birling and Gerald are adamant and refuse to accept any responsibility on their part, which contributed to the death of Eva Smith. Before the end of the play, Gerald Croft rings the infirmary to confirm the death of Eva Smith and the falsehood of his cocked up story of the death of a young woman now on a slab at the infirmary. Mr and Mrs Birling and Gerald are in jubilant and triumphant mood that they have been vindicated that no girl has died and the infirmary hasnt had a suicide for months. Just then, the phone rings. This time, it is a real inspector who confirms that indeed a young girl has died drinking disinfectant and is on the way to the infirmary. Then inspector wishes to visit the Birlings (second time round) for a fresh investigation. I therefore believe that this is proof of Priestleys use of time as element of his play. Now the audience are left in no doubt that the events of the play are going to start all over again because according to theory of nature of time, the cycle of identical lives will be repeated if people involved change nothing of significance. J.B Priestley wants to convey a moral and social message that we all should think, feel and act like responsible people in the community helping one another. I believe that the sort of audience who went to the theatre in 1945 were, naà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ve and ignorant but rich and powerful. Despite the ignorance of the audience, they were wealthy and powerful people of the society at that time after the Second World War. Therefore, they could easily identify with the Birlings. These people are selfish, uncompromising and thought of themselves and their families and disregarded the plight of the poor and disadvantaged members of society. This is vividly in Mr Birlings advice to Eric and Gerald; but I care. I was almost certain for a knighthood in the next Honours List- Having identified themselves with the Birlings, I feel that the audience will feel guilty for being irresponsible and selfish towards the poor and disadvantaged in the society. Therefore I believe if injustice and inequality are allowed to flourish in the society, mistakes of the old generation will repeat itself in generations to come. The play encourages the audience to learn from the mistakes of the past and to recognize that selfish pursuit of riches and power can be destructive. J.B Priestley encourages his modern audience to see that capitalism has many victims. He also makes them aware that our lives are linked and that our behaviour affects one another to see the need to create a better society. Nevertheless, the modern society reacts to the characters in the same way in the sense that the rich are becoming richer and the poor becoming poorer, due to the selfishness and inward looking of the wealthy and powerful over the less advantaged members of society. I feel Priestleys use of surprise interrogations and inquiries do not work in modern times. This is because before an inspector of the police visits a residence to interrogate, he first makes himself known by producing his identity card. I believe the end is a surprise because after inspector Gooles speech, the real inspector of the police rings announcing the death of a girl who has drank a strong disinfectant and that the police inspector is on his way to ask questions. Despite the present of socio-political conditions, I believe Priestleys moral and social message is still relevant. For instance, inequality and class systems are prevalent in modern societies. For example, the labour party which is socialist inclined seems to stress the idea of interdependent community but fail to practice what they preach. The original audience are different from the present day audience, whereas the audience in 1945 were aristocrats, wealthy and powerful, the present audience have different social status therefore I think one should expect diverse reactions. Thus, the play does not affect them in the same way. However, I feel that the play is still worth performing because modern audience are still committing the old mistakes that the original audience committed. Morden society is still irresponsible and class system is also operative. Again the elite and affluent exercise power over the less advantaged and the poor, and they are business conscious more than being charitable. In this play, Priestley writes about social message, love and responsibility. Socially, the writer makes me feel and accept that people share a common humanity and that we are all interdependent. Again Priestleys writing about love through charity which is faked by Mrs Birling encourages me as an audience to express true love. I believe this play has encouraged me to look back to the mistake of our fore-fathers in all circumstances and live as a member of a community contributing and helping to build a society devoid of wickedness, irresponsibility and selfishness. In conclusion, I must admit I have been overwhelmed by Priestleys use of time as an element of his plays ( The dessert Highway-1944 and The Linder Tree-1945), to demonstrate how in general; the behaviour of each member of a community can affect others.
Thursday, January 23, 2020
family as a product of the Environment :: essays research papers
What is family? Family can be described in several ways, a group of persons of common ancestry, or by a person’s perceived view of what a family actually is. Everyone has their own beliefs on what actually makes and defines a family. We will compare the views on family based on Karl Marx’s â€Å"Communist manifesto†and Jose Saramago’s â€Å"The Cave†to see the differences and similarities that take place, and then we will come to a general conclusion that family is a product of our environment Marx felt that history of man is the history of class struggles; these class struggles generally exist between the oppressed and the oppressors. As for the modern class struggle, the authors of the Manifesto blame industrialization, the discovery of the New World and other foreign markets, and the amount of capital available to the businessmen and the bourgeoisie as reasons for the abuse of the working class. The working class is described as being nearly impossible to make better; they have only the bare minimum to survive and the growth of capitalism is making the proletarian class even bigger. This is why they are fit to rise up, together, in open revolution to change the current social structure, to overthrow the rule of the bourgeoisie. Because of the drive to make money, Marx felt the ties between men had been reduced to â€Å"naked self-interest†and â€Å"cash payment†. (Marx 11) To Marx families were seen as nothing more than a business relationship. For this reason, Marx advocated for the abolishment of families and supported free love to end the exploitation of wives. Instead of having many family units, the plan was to break these down to give way for the eventual birth of one large family of proletarians.      In â€Å"The Cave†the view of family is represented by Cipriano Algor, his daughter Marta, her husband Marcal and even the family dog Found. Family is very important to the Algor‘s as it can be found in the constant crying and discussions by the family. There are many arguments that end up with one or more of the people in the discussion crying. For instance when Marta finally tells he father that they are having a child, Cipriano is upset that they didn’t tell him sooner, Marta begins to cry and it all ends up ok. Crying is a key way to show someone that you care for them.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Ground Rules Essay
â€Å"Ground Rules are boundaries, rules and conditions within which learners can safely work and learns†. (Gravells A, 2010). This above definition explains that all learners require boundaries and rules within which to work. These must be made very clear and early on in the course; these terms could be set by organisation and/or produced by the tutor himself. In fact setting ground rules will help everyone know their limits. Learners like routine and will expect tutor to be organised and professional. â€Å"Ground rules articulate a set of expected behaviours for classroom conduct. They can be set by the instructor or created by the students themselves (some people believe that students adhere more to ground rules they have played a role in creating)†. (Carnegie Mellon, 2005). These rules must be shaped as soon as possible to help maintain order, underpin behaviour and promote respect. They should lead to a set of guidelines regarding acceptable and unacceptable behaviour and set clear boundaries within which to work. If they are not set, problems may occur which could disrupt the session and lead to misunderstandings. The instructor should explain the purpose to ensure that discussions are spirited and passionate without descending into argumentation, to ensure that everyone is heard, to ensure that participants work together toward greater understanding rather than contribute disjointed pieces. Some instructors ask students to sign a contract based on the ground rules; others simply discuss and agree to the ground rules informally. It is important for instructors to remind students of these ground rules periodically, particularly if problems occur (for example, students cutting one another off in discussion or making inappropriate personal comments). Instructors should also be sure to hold students accountable to these rules, for example, by exacting a small penalty for infractions (this can be done in a lighthearted way, perhaps by asking students who violate the rules to contribute a quid to a class party fund), by factoring conduct during discussions into a participation grade for the course, or by pulling aside and talking to students whose conduct violates the agreed-upon rules. 2. Establish Ground Rules: Classroom management and discipline can make or break a teacher. Even the most knowledgeable teachers can struggle with maintaining an effective and orderly learning environment.  Setting ground rules and consequences early, practicing procedures and enforcing rules consistently can contribute to a teacher’s educational success. Often problems arise with students because of unclear expectations about your role as a tutor and about their role as a student and a member of the class. Establishing expectations or ground-rules at the beginning of semester can help clarify these expectations and help in maintaining a good working relationship between you and the group, individual students, and among the students themselves. 2.1 Setting up the Rules: To set ground rules for student activities a behaviour code which all the class will agree with it. This helps to create feelings of trust when beginning to address the feelings the students may have when thinking and talking about the emotive problem. Getting the students to generate the ground rules themselves can also help to establish rules that will be more likely to be kept by the group, as students will feel like tutor trusted and valued their perspectives. A set of ground rules can be a helpful tool when having to deal with difficult situations at a later date. For example, if some students are dominating discussion or behaving inappropriately, being able to refer back to the ground rules that the students themselves negotiated can be quite powerful in getting back control of the class. It’s also quite useful to review the ground rules during the semester, to get feedback from students on how they think things are going, if there are any rules that aren’t working or any rules that should be added. Some possible ways to generate a set of ground rules with the learners include the following: (1) Use pyramiding to get students thinking about their expectations and what they would like as ground rules. First, ask students to think about (and write down) what kind of expectations they would like set for the group on their own, then after a couple of minutes, they turn to their partner and share their ideas, and then each pair joins with another pair and this group of 4 shares ideas and negotiates a common set of ideas. After a few minutes (say 5 – 10 minutes), ask one member of each group to report back to the whole class and you write each idea on the board. Once a set of expectations/rules has been generated, discuss the list with the class, clarifying if needed and making changes (if appropriate). (2) Start with a short list of rules and expectations that you have created, project this on an overhead projector (OHP) or write on the board, and ask the learners to form small groups (around 4 students) and discuss the list, do they agree, is anything missing, etc? Then ask each group to feed back to whole learners their comments. This then works in a similar way to the last part of pyramiding. (3) Ground rules can also be set up by having a group discussion. It is best to have the ground rules mutually agreed so that both tutor and learner has an opportunity to put their views forward and they must be doable. Once everyone’s views are considered, a set of rules that suit everyone can be designed. Learners are more likely to be committed and adherent to these rules and less likely to be broken, since they were designed by the group itself. After ground rules are agreed, they will have to be written down and distributed to every member of the classroom, and a copy will be displayed in a visible place in the classroom, all through the length of the course. Also it has to be agreed among in the learners how the tutor will react if rules are broken. Learners have to be warned, as to what actions will be taken and disciplinary procedures made aware which will be different for each institution. This will create a safe and respectful environment in which all participants will have the opportunity to benefit from the learning experience. 3. Appropriate Examples of Ground Rules: 3.1 Examples: Each and every learner is different when it comes to behaviours and respect for others. So agreements have to be made about expected behaviour in the classroom. Ground rules are mutually agreed arrangements between the tutors and the learners, which ensure that the views and needs of all learners are valued and appreciated. It helps learning, easy in the classroom. Learners need to know what the teacher expects from them and what they can expect from the teacher during the course. They need to know where the boundaries lie and what will happen if they step over the boundaries. These rules have to be established by thinking carefully, expressing clearly and enforcing consistently. Ground rules can be set either by the tutor, or by the learner or by the tutor and learners together. Here are some examples of Ground rules: * Listen actively and attentively. * Ask for clarification if you are confused. * Do not interrupt one another. * Challenge one another, but do so respectfully. * Critics ideas, not people. * Do not offer opinions without supporting evidence. * Avoid put-downs (even humorous ones). * Take responsibility for the quality of the discussion. * Build on one another’s comments; work toward shared understanding. * Always have your book/readings in front of you. * Do not monopolize discussion. * Speak from your own experience, without generalizing. * If you are offended by anything said during discussion, acknowledge it immediately. * Consider anything that is said in class strictly confidential. * Everyone will be on time. * Respect each other’s point of view. * Listen to each other, and don’t interrupt when another person is speaking. * Don’t criticise or ‘put down’ another person. * Come prepared for each class. * Turn off mobile phones. * Behave Seriously. * No Violence. * Helps other so everybody can enjoy the lesson. 4. Setting Ground Rules to promote respect for others: Well-defined rules in the classroom can prevent many behavioural difficulties. When learners are involved in the development of the rules, they are more likely to adhere to them and understand why they have been put into place. â€Å"Ground rules are boundaries, rules, and conditions within which learners can safely work and learn. If they are followed, they should promote respect for others and ensure the sessions run smoothly†. (A.Gravells, 2008) So agreements have to be made about expected behaviour in the session. Ground rules are mutually agreed arrangements between the tutors and the learners, which ensure that the views and needs of all learners are valued and appreciated. It helps learning, easy in the session. Learners need to know what the tutor expects from them and what they can expect from the tutor during the course. They need to know where the boundaries lie and what will happen if they step over the boundaries. These rules have to be established by thinking carefully, expressing clearly and enforcing consistently. Ground rules can be set either by the tutor, or by the learner or by the tutors and learners together. Ground rules can be set up by having a group discussion. It is best to have the ground rules mutually agreed so that both tutor and students have an opportunity to put their views forward and they must be doable. Once everyone’s views are considered, a set of rules that suit everyone can be designed. Learners are more likely to be committed and adherent to these rules and less likely to be broken, since they were designed by the group itself. It will instil positive discipline and maximise learning since the rules were set up with them and not enforced. As a tutor, ground rules will be to ensure that tutor will be fully prepared for the session, be punctual with start and finishing times for each session and make sure markings are completed in time. Tutor must make sure not to put down anyone, encourage the learners, assist in team work, help with course completion, be professional and honest, be non-judgemental and will have interactive teaching and no politics. Learners must have to decide on their ground rules like, respect for others, punctuality, confidentiality, honesty, equality of opportunity, learn and listen, no interruption, mobile phones off, no abusive language, self-control, no politics. After ground rules are agreed, they will have to be written down and distributed to every member of the classroom, and a copy will be displayed in a visible place in the classroom, all through the length of the course. Also it has to be agreed in the class how the tutor will react if rules are broken. Learners have to be warned, as to what actions will be taken and disciplinary procedures made aware which will be different for each institution. This will create a safe and respectful environment in which all participants will have the opportunity to benefit from the learning experience. Conclusion: This assignment focus on the ground rules between the tutor and learner. It defines some general ground rules between them, ways to establish and setting up in that way so it could promote respect for other learners. As I have already defined that Ground rules are the boundaries and conditions in which a learner can work and learn safely so these rules should be be established at the beginning of a course, and the tutor should explain the purpose they serve to ensure that discussions are spirited and passionate without descending into argumentation. It is vitally important point behind the ground rules that we could provide safe learning environment which promote respect for among the learner. At the end of this assignment, I conclude that these ground rules are the basic rules which create harmonious and safe environment during session, avoid the disaster situations and create a respective feelings for each other.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Negative Effects Of Globalization - 1552 Words
Globalization has negative and positive effects that impact all levels of everyday operations from the international community through regions to individuals. Some oppose the changes it brings, some turn it to their benefit. The latest globalization wave carrying American values hit the Arab Spring particularly hard. The fight against conformation to American values intensified Jihad movements through terrorism against the Western world. Terrorist groups were able to utilize the same communication advances that caused the latest globalization wave, trying to resist all the social changes it brought upon conservative Muslims, at the same time driving away moderates who want to pursue a better life elsewhere. Networks were built on new†¦show more content†¦Social backlash of those who are effected negatively by globalization are common forcing some groups of people turn to extreme measures such as terrorism or the obtainment of nuclear capabilities. In this literature review s ection we will look at the findings of other scholars on their quest for answers how these negatives such as the cultural and ideological clashes between societies will shape the future of globalization and take a look at their projection. One of the best captures of the ongoing global trends can be found in Stephen J. Korbin’s work from The Warton School at the University of Pennsylvania. His understanding of past global driving forces allow an accurate application of what we already learned from previous globalization waves to the current. (Kobrin, 2017) His thoughts of the of global social consequences due to the intertwined global connections of our world are very similar to Thomas L. Friedman’s, describing the world as shrinking and flat. (Friedman, 2005) Kobrin suggests that globalization is just as cyclical as history. His assertion aligns with Friedman’s that the underlying basic economic structure is resistance to the change necessary for globalization to proceed beyond this inflection point. The fear of protectionism in trade and in the workforce worry many globalists. Neville Laurence expresses the same fear ofShow MoreRelatedThe Negative Effects Of Globalization762 Words  | 4 Pagesworld. From what I have read, I have noticed, to a large extent, the positive aspects of globalization. Even Samir himself speaks about this that they greatly influenced him â€Å"Globalization has had a very strong effect on me. It has allowed me to live with my friends and extended families that live in very different cultures and settings.†He also talks about the moments that globalization gave him, â€Å"Globalization has also allowed me to be exposed to several languages. I am fluent in English, SpanishRead MoreNegative Effects of Globalization677 Words  | 3 Pages Globalization refers to the absence of barriers that every country had. Yes, it has helped to demolish the walls that separated us .Globalization, which is the process of growing interdependence among every country in this planet, can be seen as a sign of hopeful and better future by some, but for others it represents a huge disaster for the whole world. That’s why we are going to see the negative effect that globalization has on culture then focus on the ethical disadvantage it broughtRead MoreNegative Effects Of Globalization1361 Words  | 6 PagesFor many individual’s globalization is seen as being a process â€Å"of increasing of economic connections across various boarders around the world. It is a process that entails production and services of materials in which are usually outsourced across international borders.†(Das, 2017). 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I believe it depends on who you ask the question, and how it affects their life. For myself, I can’t get passed the negative way it has impacted my life and others around me in the same situation. Those of us who have lost our jobs and livelihood and are now labeled as â€Å"the long term unemployed†have seen our jobs eliminated and outsourced overseas; find it hard toRead MorePositive and Negative Effect of Globalization744 Words  | 3 PagesTopic: Discuss the positive and negative effects of globalization on the world today. The term globalization is the process of transformation of local phenomena into global ones. It is when different countries start to connect together as a whole, when people around the world are more linked to each other than ever before, when information and money flow more speedily and when goods and services produced in one part of the world are increasingly obtainable in all parts of the world. And it hasRead MoreNike Positive And Negative Effects Of Globalization1367 Words  | 6 PagesThe Promises and Perils of the Globalization of Nike Globalization involves global interaction and cooperation between individuals, corporations, countries and their governments. As demand for products grows and the technology it takes to improve the process by which products can be manufactured more cheaply grows, globalization grows as well. It is supported by advancements in technology. These changes can have both short-term and lasting effects on issues surrounding economics, politics, the environmentRead MoreNegative Effect of Globalization in the Philippine Economy4768 Words  | 20 PagesAdverse Effect of Globalization in the Philippine Economy Introduction The thrive of globalization has opened gates for economies both nationally and globally. 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Cultural globalization refers to the processRead MoreEvaluate the Positive and Negative Effects of Globalization in China894 Words  | 4 PagesEvaluate the positive and negative effects of globalization in China Globalization, which is the process of enabling financial and investment markets to be operated widely and internationally, usually refers to the increasing global relationships of culture, people, and economic activities (Simon. J, 2002). It is generally used to represent economic globalization including the global distribution of the production of goods and services, through reduction of barriers to international trade such
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